Friday, April 13, 2012

Before I started this drawing I had the idea that I would draw a really evil-looking guy.  I don't think this guy looks evil, just ticked off.


  1. I think you're right, Rick. There is tension in his hands, but he looks more disgusted than evil. Great drawing. I am enjoying your blog!

  2. Thanks Naomi! There's more to come soon... I have loads of drawings to share, I just need to scan them and load them up onto the site.

  3. What a great character--and easy to remember.

    I was looking at this drawing again and noticed the footwear. I wonder how he'd look in a more Victorian sort of shoe...? Love his long coat, and the very 3D design of the face.

    And hey, maybe in this particular drawing he doesn't look evil,but he does look capable of evil (does that count?).

  4. I do draw some creeple with spats, but I want to have a variety of outfits and not have them entirely from a single period. And some stuff I just want to totally invent.... hence, no spats.
